In this article we lay the foundations for a new approach for Jevons Paradox and…
FUNDACIÓ ENT08/01/2021
ENT Foundation has signed a collaboration agreement with the University of Barcelona until 2023 to…
FUNDACIÓ ENT22/12/2020
The calculation of material flows indicators is a powerful tool to monitor the physical dimension…
New ENT Foundation report “Preliminary analysis – Monitoring of the COVID crisis in the Spanish…
FUNDACIÓ ENT11/12/2020
The overall objective of this study is to support the Commission’s work on potential policy actions…
The project starts with the analysis of the European regulatory framework (policies, strategies, REACH, etc.)…
Colombia aims to diversify and decarbonize its energy sector by encouraging the use of non-conventional…
FUNDACIÓ ENT31/08/2020
The irruption of the COVID-19 pandemic has raised concerns on sustainability issues. The pandemic has…
Gains achieved by conservation interventions such as Payments for Environmental Services (PES) may be lost…
FUNDACIÓ ENT07/05/2020
This report is an in-depth urgent analysis about the evolution of the fishing sector at…
FUNDACIÓ ENT27/04/2020
ENT continues to be interested in participating in the Marie Curie programme, as we have…
Santiago Gorostiza (ENT fellow) starts a new period as a postdoctoral researcher at the Center of…
The report aims to provide Local Authorities, particularly in a high-density context, with more information…