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ENT has an extensive experience in the development of projects of consultancy, research and cooperation for development. We have carried them out individually as well as being integrated in consortia. Our previous experience covers the areas of waste, economics and the environmental, political ecology and marine area.

In our planning of activities we want to deepen our international work, for this reason we are open to establish collaborations with public organisations, foundations, universities, companies and other entities, mainly from Europe and Latin America to participate in public tenders, framework programmes, and European Commission Tenders and of other international and multilateral organizations working in these areas.

 For proposals and contact:


Asistencia técnica para el desarrollo de un Plan de Gestión de Escombros en el municipio de Bogotá (Colombia)
Review of waste plan in Chennai (India)
Priority areas analysis and identification of key policy measures for the new national circular economy strategic framework of the Czech Republic
LIFE EWAS: sustainable waste management using ICT tools
Impacte dels Tractats de Lliure Comerç a la zona dels Grans Llacs (RD Congo i Uganda)
Appui technique portant sur le développement de la responsabilité élargie des producteurs au Maroc – Produits plastiques
Apoyo a la elaboración de la estrategia y la normativa para implementar la responsabilidad ampliada del productor en Bolivia
End overfishing in the Northwest European waters
Conflictos socio-ambientales pesqueros en Centroamérica
Metodología para la gestión ambiental de residuos de la construcción (RCD) en ciudades de América Latina
NATURVATION: Nature-based solutions
DECISIVE: DECentralIzed management Scheme for Innovative Valorization of urban biowastE

Latest projects

List of the main international
projects classified by expertise area

Hihglight projects