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With the premise that economic instruments are effective in promoting environmental improvements, such as reducing waste and increasing the percentage of separate collection of municipal waste, the article presents fee-rebate schemes as a useful tool in shaping the contributions of the different municipalities members of an association of municipalities responsible for joint waste management . Specifically, the case study of the Metropolitan Waste Treatment Charge in the Barcelona Metropolitan Area is presented.


Ignasi Puig




Richmond Law & Tax

bibliographical reference

Puig Ventosa, I. (2006) Fee and rebate systems to foster Ecological Sound Urban waste Managament, in Cavaliere, A., Ashiabor, H., Deketelaere, K., Kreiser, L., Milne, J. (Eds.): “Critical Issues in Environmental Taxation: International and Comparative Perspectives”. Vol. 3: 527-533. Richmond Law & Tax.