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In the area of waste, ENT focusses on prevention: generating less waste and achieving better management. To date, our main focus has been municipal waste, but we have some experience in construction and demolition waste, industrial waste and mineral oils.

Most of our projects are commissioned by public administrations, from practical projects for local authorities to specialised consultancy reports for the European Commission, the OECD or within the framework of European projects. Our work with regional and national authorities has involved designing strategies, programmes and specific policy instruments. We also collaborate with universities, research centres and environmental NGOs, among others.

ENT’s experience includes economics and the design/evaluation of waste policies. For example:

  • Costing and financial implications of waste policies
  • Waste charges
  • Pay-as-you-throw schemes
  • Taxes on landfilling and incineration
  • Deposit–refund schemes
  • Fee-rebate systems

We have also produced a variety of waste management plans for local authorities. In particular, we have extensive experience designing and implementing door-to-door collection schemes.

Waste prevention is one of our specialist areas and we have produced numerous waste prevention plans for local entities and projects that implement specific measures. Nappies and packaging waste are flows in which we have paid particular attention. Likewise, reducing food waste is another area where we have run a number of successful projects.

Research projects are at the heart of our activities and the findings are shared via high-impact technical and scientific publications.