ENT has conducted feasibility studies for the implementation of door to door separate waste collection schemes in a number of municipalities.
These studies start with a diagnosis of the situation of the municipality in terms of waste management, as well as a description of the legal framework. Based on this diagnosis, the key issues in the implementation of a door to door separate waste collection scheme are outlined: fractions to collect, number and characteristics of emergency areas, conditions of delivery and acceptance of waste, collection schedules, proposals for adapting the system in disseminated households and in multi-storey buildings, etc. Regarding waste from commercial activities, specific needs are evaluated. A monitoring and a penalty system are also proposed.
Finally, an economic assessment of the service is developed, which takes into account, on the one hand, the operational costs of the service, both as regards the collection and treatment costs; and, on the other hand, the revenues from the integrated management systems, and the sale of materials, among others. An estimation of the implementation costs of the system is also conducted. If required, reports include the development of a proposed municipal waste ordinance or the drafting of a tender of the waste collection service.
Some municipalities for which ENT has undertaken this type of studies have been: Alella, Ametlla del Vallès, Arenys de Munt, Añorga (Donostia), l’Arboç, Azpeitia, Bellaterra, Cabanes, Capellades, Carme, La Garriga, La Llacuna, Lliçà d’Amunt, Montmeló (only for commercial waste), Torrelles de Llobregat, Sant Antoni de Vilamajor, Sant Pere de Vilamajor, Vallbona d’Anoia, and Vilafranca del Penedès, among others.
If you are looking for information on any of the municipal projects specifically send us a mail to info@ent.cat.