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Last 14th of December, the city of Benidorm (Spain) held the last of the 10 workshops organized by the SCORE project to prioritize Ecosystem-based Adaptation (EbA) measures. The workshop was facilitated by ENT, in collaboration with University of Alicante and Benidrom city council. Academics, industry representatives, local, regional and national public institutions met to rank EbA interventions planned by the city council.

Measures such as sand dunes and sand dikes, permeable pavements, floodable park, tree plantation, and planting riparian vegetation on intermittent riverbanks were discussed to tackle flooding problems in the city. Following a multi-criteria approach, all six options were assessed and ranked based on given criteria including, among others, the increase in recreational opportunities, biodiversity conservation and enhancement, improvement in water quality or carbon capture and storage.

During the last year, similar exercises have been facilitated across the ten Coastal Cities Living Labs created under #SCORE project. The results of these exercises will be jointly analysed and compiled in a public report in 2024.