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Project’s First Assembly

LIFE BIOBEST celebrated its first Steering Committee Meeting with BIOBEST Consortium Partners ACR+, CIC, ZWE, and ECN on May 3-4. Key topics of discussion included progress towards the project’s many deliverables and milestones, events, network management, and visual identity.

LIFE BIOBEST Presentation at the Biocircularcities Peer Review Session

On behalf of LIFE BIOBEST, ENT presented at the Third Peer Review Session of the BioCircularCities Project alongside European projects such as BIOBOOST and WaysTUP. After speaking about the regulatory and policy barriers and LIFE BIOBEST’s focus on soil amelioration, a group discussion of merging synergies and collaboration followed.


The LIFE BIOBEST – Guiding the mainstreaming of best biowaste recycling practices in Europe project aims to identify and validate the current Best Practices (BP) and management instruments along the bio-waste management chain (from generation to treatment) that allow the production of quality compost and digestate and establish series of reference Key Performing Indicators (KPI), based on the analysis of existing databases and experiences.

The outcomes of LIFE BIOBEST will promote a significant improvement of the collection and treatment systems, and consequently of the quantity and purity of the input material, reducing process losses and favoring the conversion of bio-waste into high-quality compost and digestate.

The LIFE BIOBEST consortium is led by Fundació ENT and composed by Consorzio Italiano CompostatoriACR+European Compost Network and Zero Waste Europe. It is a 2.5-years LIFE Preparatory Project funded by the European Commission.