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A two-day kick-off Meeting was successfully held on July 15 and 16. The 28 partners met and discussed the main organisational aspects of the project.

Smart Control of the Climate Resilience in European Coastal Cities (SCORE) is a four-year HORIZON 2020 research project to increase climate resilience in European coastal cities led by IT Sligo. SCORE outlines a co-creation strategy, developed via a network of 10 coastal city ‘living labs’ (CCLLs), to rapidly, equitably and sustainably enhance coastal city climate resilience through Ecosystem-Based Approach (EBAs) and sophisticated digital technologies. SCORE will establish an integrated coastal zone management framework for strengthening EBAs and smart coastal city policies, creating European leadership in coastal city climate change adaptation in line with The Paris Agreement.

ENT will coordinate the work package 7 “Socio-economic assessment of adaptation strategies and policy recommendations”, as well as the Coastal City Living Lab (CCLL) of “Vilanova i la Geltrú – Province of Barcelona”, the latter with the support of the City Council of Vilanova i la Geltrú and the Government of the Province of Barcelona (Diputació de Barcelona).

The Kick-off meeting allowed partners to discuss project planning and coordination, and to explore the expected interactions between work packages and coastal city living labs, among other topics.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101003534.