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ENT in the network

Videos of ENT members in the media

February 2025 | Ignasi Puig (ENT) in RTVE news on waste charges situation in Spain

September 2024 | Ignasi Puig (ENT) in the Sostenible journal “El gran perill de no reciclar: visitem l’abocador del Bages”

September 2024 | Ignasi Puig (ENT) in the Sostenible journal “Com funciona el porta a porta? El cas de Santa Eulàlia de Ronçana”

May 2023 | Gemma Nohales (ENT) in the Tv3 News about door to door and improving waste collection schemes

March 2022 | Lydia Chaparro (Fundació ENT) in the program “El Far” about marine resources

January 2022 | Miquel Ortega (Fundació ENT) in the program “Bàsics” (betevé) about pollution in Barcelona

July 2021 | Sergio Sastre (ENT) at the report “Homo residuus” in the 30 minuts Tv3 program

June 2021 | Miquel Ortega (ENT) in the program “Connecticat” of the Xarxa de Televisions Locals speaking on ocean’s day

March 2021 | Maria Calaf (Fundació ENT) at the program “La sexta columna” (La Sexta) about waste and landfills

March 2020 | Ignasi Puig (ENT) at the report “Marrón” in Escarabajo Verde (TvE) about biowaste

February 2020 | Ignasi Puig (ENT) a the TV3 program “Molta Merda” presented by Quim Masferrer

November 2019 | Juanjo Iraegui (ENT) in the video “Transformant l’economia” about social economy projects in Vilanova i la Geltrú

February 2019 | Ignasi Puig (ENT) at the debate on environmental taxation in te program Ben Trobats (Xarxa de Televisions Locals)

March 2017 | Lydia Chaparro (Fundació ENT) at teh program “La barca de l’Andreu” (Xarxa de Televisions Locals)

February 2017 | Lydia Chaparro (Fundació ENT) in Btv about the BlueEcoForum

April 2014 | Maria Calaf (ENT) at the report “Basureros para rato” in Escarabajo Verde (TvE)

October 2012 | Miquel Ortega (ENT) at the program Latituds (Canal 33)