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From May 16 to 19, Vilanova I la Geltrú hosted a three-day workshop where it was set up the Coastal City Living Lab (CCLL) of Vilanova I la Geltrú / Province of Barcelona. This workshop was organized in the context of EU H2020 project SCORE (Smart control of the climate resilience of European coastal cities), which also includes other nine CCLLs in Ireland, Italy, Poland, Portugal, Slovenia, Spain and Turkey.

The CCLL of ‘Vilanova i la Geltrú/Province of Barcelona’ is led by ENT with the support of the Vilanova i la Geltrú City Council and the Barcelona Provincial council. Some of the goals of this CCLL are to enhance its research, technical and financial capacity to propose, promote, validate and monitor Ecosystem-Based Adaptation (EbA) solutions for climate change, and achieve institutional recognition within a co-ideation, co-design, and co-creative context.

Local and regional representatives of the industry, academicians, civil society, and public institutions met in this workshop to discuss, among others, about the available data of past climatic events, the long-term impact of climate change on the territory, and the expectations of the different actors in relation to the digital twin model being developed in the project for Vilanova i la Geltrú.

For the next three years, the project researchers and the CCLL will work on mapping the climate hazard risks of the area, assess the socio-economic viability of EbAs solutions, and propose sensors and digital twin solutions for the adaptation of this coastal area to climate change.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101003534.