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The journal Ecología Política invites authors to send their article proposals for its next issue, number 63.



Producing commons as an ecological condition and political challenge.

The dynamics of capital – in its logic of infinite self-expansion – advances over territories and bodies/populations, depredating ecosystems and the communal networks on which Life-in-Common rests. On the threshold of depredation, the struggles for the defence of territories-of-life make visible the centrality of the co-management of intra- and trans-species interdependent relationships, as an ecological requirement and as a political challenge for the survival of the human species, in the face of its responsibility in sustaining the fabric of Life on Earth and the collective and self-determined construction of options for a dignified life.

In this sense, the struggles for the defence of territories-of-life are repeated processes that dispute, against and in the midst of the terms of interdependence imposed by capitalist, patriarchal and colonial mediations, more satisfactory possibilities of organization and reproduction of Life-in-Common, intra- and trans-species. These are processes that, by defending a set of material and symbolic spheres, produce the common by insisting on (re)generating social, affective, and ecological links through organizational dynamics that fissure, limit and, in many cases, overflow the capitalist logic of value.

In this issue we call for contributions that allow us to reflect on:

  • Experiences of struggle for the defence of life-territories and their political capacity to produce commons, to dispute other terms of intra- and trans-species interdependence and to restore/regenerate the web of Life.
  • Learning, challenges, threats, risks, and potentialities of the production of the common in the web of Life in the context of the exhaustion of the old lefts and the rise of the new rights; of intolerance towards otherness and diversity; of the crisis of the revolutionary imagination and of the political consciousness of the common.
  • Studies on political processes and theoretical, historical and/or hermeneutical developments focused on: the communitarian as a fundamental vector of the political, communality as a decisive aspect and key to perspectives, conditions and modalities beyond the corsets and contradictions of the liberal tradition, communal autonomism, expanded territorial democracies, principles of good coexistence and new horizons of human rights and Nature.


The issue will be published in JUNE 2022.



The submission of articles will take place in two steps.

  1. Article proposal submission (250 words max.). Deadline: 31 January 2022.

Once received, the proposals will be evaluated by experts in the subject and by the issue’s guest editors. The authors whose proposals are selected will be invited to send a complete manuscript. The invitation to submit the full manuscript does not ensure its publication, as manuscripts will then undergo a further review process.

  1. Submission of the final version of the article (to be translated from English to Spanish, if necessary): 28 February 2022.

Both the abstracts and the final versions of the articles must be sent to the following e-mail address: