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This report was commissioned by GAIA (Global Alliance for Incineration Alternatives). The European legislation allows for the transfer of waste between Member States to burn them in waste incineration facilities. This allows for the construction of waste incinerators in countries that already have overcapacity of this technology, and for the transportation of waste over long distances. The study includes an analysis of the incineration capacity in Europe, which is quite concentrated in certain countries (Germany, France and Italy); identifies which countries have incineration overcapacity, or it is likely that they will have it in the future according to their expected investments and facilities already authorized.

Furthermore, the report analyses the flows of waste between Member States, which clearly identifies some countries as exporters of waste, whereas some others are net importers. Finally, it contains an environmental impact analysis of the transportation and incineration of waste.


Fundació ENT




Global Alliance for Incineration Alternatives