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On Thursday 28, Villasbuenas de Gata (Extremadura) hosted a hydrib workshop with local and regional stakeholders to identify problems and needs of forest managers of the area. This workshop was organized in the context of H2020 project OptFor-EU (OPTimising Forest Management Decisions for low-carbon climate resilient future in Europe), which also includes other seven case study areas in Romania, Italy, Austria, Norway, Germany, UK, and Lithuania.

The workshop was organised by ENT and Ambienta with the objective of presenting the project to the main local actors and identify the main problems and challenges of forest management practices in the area.

Local and regional representatives of the city council, forest owners, academia, and civil society met in this workshop to discuss, among others, about the main problems of planning and management of forests in the area, main challenges of climate change, the relevance of these forests in decarbonisation, and how can smart tools contribute to a better forest management.

For the next three years, the project researchers together with local stakeholders will work on developing a Decision Support System for a sustainable forest management.


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