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Waste management programs include the different goals and action to take in the areas of waste prevention, collection, recycling, etc. The scope of these plans can be a company, a facility or a geographical region (from the local to the national level) and can range from a waste fraction to all of the waste generated.

The plans and programs of waste management generally start with a diagnosis of the current situation, in which they analyse amongst others: the quantity and type of waste generated, the types of waste generators, the current system of collection and treatment, organisational aspects and the costs and revenues associated with this management. This also includes a legal analysis of the main aspects related to waste management in the area of study. From this diagnosis and through a process with decision-makers, the main waste management goals are established and the actions to accomplish them are defined. The plan usually includes a detailed description of the actions, a calendar for each of them and an associated budget. Different indicators are also defined to follow up the implementation. Finally, we formulate a methodology to evaluate and revise the plan or program.

ENT has carried out numerous plans and programs of waste management mainly for City Councils and other local entities, but also for universities and regional administrations.

Local Waste Prevention Plans are a specific type of waste plans, which are described in another section.


ENT environment & management



