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OptFor-EU explores the needs of forest managers and forest owners to design a Decision Support System for climate adaptation and mitigation of European forests

Next September 28th, Villasbuenas de Gata (Extremadura) hosts a workshop with forest managers, forest owners and other relevant stakeholders to understand their needs in the design of a novel Decision Support System (DSS) to manage forests. This event, organised by Ambienta Ingeniería and ENT Environment and Management, is the starting point to engage stakeholders in an iterative process of co-creation and co-design of this tool.

Across eight European countries, the project OPTimising FORest management decisions for a low-carbon, climate resilient future in Europe wants to co-develop a Decision Support System (DSS) with forest managers and other forest stakeholders, that provides them with suitable climate adaptation and mitigation options for science-based optimising forest ecosystem services (FES) (including decarbonisation) and enhancing forest resilience and its capacities to mitigate climate change across Europe.

In the following months, in-depth interviews and surveys to relevant stakeholders complete the comprehensive analysis to characterise the Forest-Climate Nexus and the FES, as well as to empower forest end-users to make informed decisions to enhance forest resilience and decarbonisation.


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