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In a significant move towards bolstering climate change mitigation and adaptation efforts, OptFor-EU has launched a comprehensive expert survey. The survey, titled ” Expert survey on institutional and governance factors for the uptake of measures for tackling climate change,” aims to identify institutional gaps, potential policy barriers, and innovative solutions across various governance levels, including EU, national, regional, and local.

The web survey is designed to delve into contextual factors and explore possibilities for policy support while identifying hindering factors at different levels. The questionnaire specifically targets individuals in administrative, functional, and decision-making roles related to climate adaptation and mitigation within the forestry sector. This includes forest owners, industry stakeholders, policy makers, consultants, NGO representatives, and officials from forest agency networks.

Key areas of focus in the survey include understanding the relevance of existing policies and capturing open-ended responses to gather insights based on the respondents’ expert knowledge. Factors such as regulations, coordination challenges, communication barriers, bureaucratic hurdles, and diversification of funding sources will be assessed to determine their impact on climate-related initiatives.

The survey covers geographical and administrative levels, including EU, national, regional, and local entities. By engaging stakeholders across these levels, OptFor-EU aims to create a comprehensive understanding of the challenges and opportunities associated with climate change measures. The findings will contribute to shaping effective policies and strategies for climate adaptation and mitigation, particularly within the forestry sector and related value chains.

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