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Maria Mestre, specialist in waste management and prevention of food waste, will be the representative of the ENT Foundation to the strategic committee of the ECOWASTE 4 FOOD project. The trajectory of the ENT Foundation in the field has been the element that has motivated the Waste Agency of Catalonia to propose to been part of it. The Waste Agency of Catalonia and seven other European partners, are part of the ECOWASTE4FOOD project, within the framework of the European INTERREG program.

The aim of the project is, on one hand, to help the partners to respond better to the reduction of food waste throughout the food chain through eco-innovation, as part of a more global territorial strategy that ensures access to a sufficient quantity of nutritious food to the entire population. And on the other, to show that food waste can be the source of an efficient resource-based economy and environmentally friendly for the territories. The partners have committed themselves to improving their policies in the field during the four-year project duration and in particular to influence the 2014-2020 Regional Operational Program of the ERDF funds.