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On June 13 and 14, the Kick-Off meeting of the WOODCIRCLES project was held at the Danish Technological Institute (Copenhagen). It is a Horizon Innovation Action led by the Danish Technological Institute. The project will last 4 years, and Fundació ENT will coordinate the work package on Sustainability and Impact Assessment.

WOODCIRCLES will develop innovative circular solutions for sustainable wood construction to help reduce Europe’s dependence on non-renewable resources, cut GHG emissions, reduce waste generation, and offer longterm carbon sinks and substitution of fossil-based and carbon-intensive products. Based on identified needs and market potentials, the consortium will develop new value chains for upcycling of wood waste materials and optimized design-for-disassembly building system solutions to significantly increase recycling rates of wood in construction. WOODCIRCLES will integrate digital tools and solutions in all developments and create digital twins for the large-scale, real-life demonstrators. Active involvement of partner cities and their building ecosystems through technical and thematic co-engagement activities will increase deployment. All developed materials, components and system prototypes will be demonstrated, piloted and fully documented – including sustainability assessment – for immediate market uptake.