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A Beatriu de Pinós research grant from the Generalitat de Catalunya was obtained by Jaume Freire González (ENT Foundation) for the project “Technological progress and environmental limits: looking for solutions for the Jevons Paradox”.
The project ended last April, after more than two years. The aim of the project was to gain a better understanding of Jevons paradox and its possible solutions. During this period, a new theoretical-conceptual framework for Jevons paradox has been developed, as well as several economy-energy-environment models for Catalonia, in which the main measures with the potential of avoiding rebound effects have been simulated (carbon taxes, energy, emissions trading systems and voluntary measures). As a result, 3 scientific articles have been written, describing the research carried out and its main results. One has been published in the journal Energy Research & Social Science, and the other two are currently under review in other journals.