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ENT members will assist at the first International Forum on Municipal Waste Management: #waste in progress. The Forum take place in Girona (6,7 and 8th of February) and will feature case studies on waste collection successful models from cities around the world with recycling results nearing 60%. The Forum is an area based on knowledge and innovation with the participation of companies that can guide administration through the waste management improvement process.

Recycling goals are determined by the European directives regarding waste management. Member states must work toward the compliance of these objectives through strategies and models that overcome inefficient systems and ensure that future challenges are successful.

Spain is at a turning point regarding its waste management model. Even though the last years have seen progress with regard to selective collection and the prevention of waste, there is an inability to further improve upon its results. This fact, added to the new European legislation on waste management and the circular economy, and to an increase in residual waste treatment costs, has lead us to rethink the current waste management model.


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