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With the DECISIVE solution for decentralised biowaste management reaching its final stage, the project partners (ENT Foundation among them) who have been working on its development are now launching a series of webinars to bring the solution closer to external audience.

The series of 4 webinars will present the DECISIVE journey to a wider audience who weren’t able to attend the previously organised focus groups, workshops, conferences and other physical meetings. Furthermore, with the current sanitary conditions and limited opportunities for organising more demonstration site visits, these webinars are believed to achieve the envisaged dissemination and showcase the project’s results and installations.

The webinar series starts on April 23 at 11.00 with the first one titled “DECISIVE: The Concept”. The technology developers will walk the audience through the different phases of this development including the different technologies deployed – micro anaerobic digestion, solid state fermentation and the Stiling engine as the technology chosen for the valorisation of the produced biogas. Furthermore, in order to link the concept to modern biowaste management practices, a waste operator would reflect on how the DECISIVE concept could contribute to various biowaste management challenges.

This first webinar would be followed by 3 more webinars further explaining the results achieved, as well as acommpanying tools which help the deployment of the DECISIVE concept. Namely, the webinars to follow will be “DECISIVE: The Tool” focusing on the Decision Support Tool, a tool which helps local and regional authorities and waste operators to assess their biowaste management scenarios including the biowaste arisings, their hotspots, quantities and other territorial characteristics. This second webinar will take place on 11 June at 11h. In order to present what the DECISIVE solution looks like in practice, two more webinars “DECISIVE: Demonstration” will describe thoroughly the two demonstration sites in Lyon, France and Dolina, Italy.

What concerns the first webinar, the provisional topics and speakers include:

  • Anne Tremier of INRAE, the project coordinator describing the underlying principles and objectives of the DECISIVE Concept
  • INRAE as the developers of the micro anaerobic digestion and its downscaling to smaller waste quantities, lab results, accepted solution and its advantages
  • Claudio Fontana of ITS Energy who would focus on the Stirling engine and why did it make it as the chosen technology for biogas valorisation, its key features and performances
  • Oscar Prado of AERIS as the project partner adjusting solid state fermentation processes to the rest of the concept describing its development, lab testing and where does it exactly come into the overall process
  • Pablo Kroff of SUEZ who would provide the closing speech on where the DECISIVE concept comes into decentralised biowaste management and what would be the benefits it brings to local and regional authoirities but also operators of such installations

The webinar is expected to last 1h30 including the Q&A session which would allow all the interested parties to fully understand all the principles and processes before the webinar series continue and cover more particular features.

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