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Fundació ENT has participated in the ASSESSMENT OF COUNTRY REPORTS AND PROPOSALS FOR COUNTRY-SPECIFIC RECOMMENDATIONS led by Green Budget Europe, and with the participation of CEE BankWatch and the European Environment Bureau.

Fundació ENT was responsible for the analysis and proposals for Spain and Portugal.

For all countries, the work has consisted of an analysis of the European Semester Country Reports. On this basis, the report develops recommendations towards a sustainable economy and low-carbon society by stimulating investment, innovation and creating new jobs.

A timely investment in alternative energy, climate adaptation and infrastructure could stimulate innovation in new technology and increase energy efficiency, create new jobs and lower production costs.
In order to achieve this, national Environmental Fiscal Reforms should be accelerated via the European Semester, and Member States’ national public spending and investment plans should be checked against their delivery on sustainable development.

Full reference to the report | “2017. ASSESSMENT OF COUNTRY REPORTS AND PROPOSALS FOR COUNTRY-SPECIFIC RECOMMENDATIONS. From Challenge to Opportunity: Shadow Country Reports in Support of the European Semester Cycle”


Green Budget Europe Press release