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PensamENTs with Dr. Salvador Pueyo

ENT Josep Llanza, 1-7, 3r 2a, Vilanova i la Geltrú, Barcelona, Espanya

Dr. Salvador Pueyo will be the guest of the online PensamENTs session that ENT will hold on March 24 (from 12 to 1 noon). The title will be “Economic growth...

PensamENTs Isabelle Anguelovski


Isabelle Anguelovski will be the guest of the online PensamENTs session that ENT will hold on January 12 (from 12 to 1 noon). The title will be “The Green City...

Biocircularcities General Assembly


The General Assembly and 2nd Living Lab of the Biocircularcities project will take place on 15 and 16 September in Barcelona. For the first time, all members of the consortium...