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Now available the new issue of Ecología Política journal, edited by Fundació ENT. 

This issue of Ecología Política, entitled, “Transiciones energéticas» (Energy transitions), analyses the hegemonic consensus on energy transition; that is, those focused on defending carbon markets, disinvestment and defossilization, as well as massive investments in energy-technological alternatives. However, these proposals deepen the inequalities, pressure and violence against peoples and nature. Consequently, a socioecological transformation requires the urgent degrowth of the Global North economies, while strengthening the decision-making of peoples and communities on their own territories.

Reading this issue allows us to delve into the disputes over the hegemonic consensus on energy transition, with a view from the Global South and its diversity, which allows us to trace paths for other energy transitions.

Ecologia Politica_Transiciones energeticas_portada