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During the General Assembly celebrated last 23 of March at the ENEA Research Center in Portici/Naples, the members of the BIOCIRCULARCITIES (BCC) consortium exchanged views on the progress and future activities of the project.

On 24 March, the third and final round of BCC Living Labs took place on-site at the CMNA building for the Metropolitan City of Naples and online on 28 and 29 March for the Province of Pazardzhik and the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona, respectively. Participants from municipalities, private waste management companies, consultancies and universities worked together in dynamic group sessions to discuss their experiences and views on life cycle analysis and provide feedback on the BCC web tool under development. The BCC webtool supports the identification of the most sustainable and relevant options in terms of biowaste management and valorisation technologies according to the characteristics of the implementation context.  

All discussion results are currently being analysed to be summarised in a fact sheet, a newsletter and a report that will be available online. The aim of the BCC project is to make policy recommendations for the implementation of new bio-waste recovery pathways: for this, the input of local stakeholders is highly important. 

The BIOCIRCULARCITIES consortium consists of 8 partners located in six European countries: Spain, Italy, Belgium, Luxembourg, Estonia, and Bulgaria. In addition to Fundació ENT, the partners are complementary actors representing the public, industrial, research and socioeconomic sectors: two local public authorities (CMNA and AMB), a local non-profit association (REAP), a public research institution (ENEA), a research and technology organization (LIST), an international non-profit organization (ACR +) and an international SME (CE). 

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