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This August Karin Meisterl has joined the ENT Foundation to work on BIOCIRCULARCITIES project, which supports the development of the regulatory framework and innovative roadmaps that are consistent with the principles of the circular bioeconomy.

She holds a MSc degree in Biology, specialisation Aquatic Ecology, from the University of Vienna and a MSc in Technical Environmental Management from the University of Applied Sciences Technikum Wien. She has been a certified waste manager since 2016 and works as a consultant in the area of EU-wide municipal waste collection and treatment systems as well as waste prevention and reuse measures. She also has in-depth knowledge of EPR systems, deposit systems and design for recycling. In addition, she has specialised in marine litter and has more than six years of experience in aquatic ecology, particularly in the areas of aquatic chemistry, plankton taxonomy, eutrophication and remediation methods.