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At the end of this year, Brussels will be once again the scene of intense negotiations on fishing limits. Discussions this year are expected to be difficult, since the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) establishes a legally binding commitment to end overfishing by 2020, at the latest. An objective that is still far from being achieved as, around 41% of the assessed fish stocks in the Northeast Atlantic are currently subject to overfishing.

This is why, the organizations Oceana, SEO BirdLife, Ecologistas en Acción, WWF, Our Fish and ENT Foundation, have organized a scientific-technical seminar entitled “Countdown to 2020 – The challenges of sustainable fisheries management” that will take place in Madrid on October 3rd.

This seminar aims to analyze the progress made in achieving the main objectives of the CFP, especially in relation to the Total Allowable Catch (TAC) and the scientific advice, the selectivity of fisheries, as well as the challenges to achieve healthy fish stocks and resilient marine ecosystems. All of this thanks to the participation of experts from the scientific community, non-governmental organizations, and senior officials from the European Commission and the Spanish Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food.

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