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Now available in the journal Ecological Economics the article by Jaume Freire (ENT), David Vivanco and Ignasi Puig (ENT) entitled “Economic structure and energy savings from energy efficiency in Households”. It will be available for free until October 12th (online/PDF). It will be published in the volume 131 of the journal.

When an energy efficiency improvement occurs at the household level, several mechanisms, grouped under the name of the rebound effect, increase the available income and consumption, increasing the total energy consumption of the economic structure. The present research analyses the links between energy efficiency improvements in households, consumption, and the economic structure in an input-output framework. We examine, from an empirical perspective, the relationship between energy efficiency improvements and the economic structure, and between the direct and the indirect rebound effect. The limits of the input-output methodology in assessing the direct and indirect rebound effect have been empirically tested with respect to efficiency improvements of electricity uses in households in Catalonia.