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ENT was participating in a project within the EU LIFE programme, which aims to demonstrate the potential of information technologies to optimize waste collection. The project, named LIFE EWAS, was led by the company Wellness Telecom SL (Seville). The other partners are the public company LIPASAM (Seville), the consultancy DWASTE (Athens) and the public company DEDISA SA (Crete).

The project started in July 2014 and it was ended in 2017. As part of the project, an innovative methodology (eGarbage) that optimizes the waste collection frequency depending on the level of filling of the containers was implemented. The level of filling was measured by sensors installed inside the containers, which send information to waste managers through a SIM card. This technology was implemented as a pilot project in a neighbourhood of Seville (Spain) and in a region of Crete (Greece). The technology was monitored and the results will be evaluated through a series of specifically created indicators. Finally, this technology was disseminated to waste managers so its use becomes widely available.


ENT environment & management




European Comission