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The second of the four DECISIVE webinars is to take place on 11 June at 11h. This webinar follows the previous one which presented the underlying concept and technologies deployed within the DECISIVE solution for decentralised biowaste management.

Fundacio ENT, a socio-economic initiative based in Catalonia and a multidisciplinary group of highly trained and experienced professionals dedicated to innovative projects in the field of waste management, sustainability and environmental policies will be taking the lead in this webinar together with the Catalan Waste Agency, the waste authority in Catalonia.

As DECISIVE partners, they led the development of a Decision Support Tool (DST) for assessing the sustainability of a large biowaste generator (e.g., university), a city, a region’s current biowaste management schemes. The DST is an open access web tool that allows the user to identify hotpots of their biowaste management scheme and compare different alternative management such as the decentralised biowaste management scheme proposed by DECISIVE.
The webinar would not only present the tool as such but also its application in one Catalan site – the university campus of Bellatera.

The webinar will see with the participation of ENT who will introduce the DST and its use as well as with the participation of the Catalan Waste Agency (ARC) which would enable the audience to understand the tools practical use as public administration responsible for planning and promoting separate collection and other target users.


  • Decision Support Tool and its features; Veronica Martinez, ENT
  • Practical use of the tool for diferent users; Teresa Guerrero, ARC
  • Planning MSW treatment infrastructure in Catalonia. Tool potential application; Daniel Vilaró, ARC
  • Case studies
    • Presentation of Bellaterra Campus context – Marga Lopez, ARC
    • Data/Inventories generation for Bellaterra – Rosaria Chifari, ENT
  • Questions and Answers session with the moderator

While the complete agenda will follow in the coming days, interested participants can apply already now through the registration form directly in the DECISIVE website