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The BIOCIRCULARCITIES project, led by Fundació ENT, has been funded in the call H2020-BBI-JTI-2020-SO4-S4 Bio-based Industries Coordination and Support Action: Expand circular economy to include the underexploited circular bioeconomy.

The BIOCIRCULARCITIES consortium consists of 8 partners located in six European countries: Spain, Italy, Belgium, Luxembourg, Estonia, and Bulgaria. In addition to Fundació ENT, the partners are complementary actors representing the public, industrial, research and socioeconomic sectors: two local public authorities (CMNA and AMB), a local non-profit association (REAP), a public research institution (ENEA), a research and technology organization (LIST), an international non-profit organization (ACR +) and an international SME (CE).

BIOCIRCULARCITIES aims to support the development of the regulatory framework and innovative roadmaps aligned with the principles of the circular bioeconomy, focused on “bio-based waste” and based on the co-creation of knowledge thanks to participatory processes with multiple actors. The project will last 2 years, starting in October 2021.