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The basic objectives of the waste policy of the European Union (established in Directive 2008/98/EC of 19th November on waste) are to prevent waste generation and to promote reuse, recycling and recovery in order to reduce the environmental impact of waste generation.

At Spanish level, the Law 10/1998 of 21st April, on Waste and the National Integrated Waste Plan 2007-2015 (PNIR) reflects these same goals.

To achieve this goal several measures are considered, including the development of local prevention plans for municipal waste. This tool allows planning and implementing medium and long term strategies to involve different stakeholders at local level in the prevention of waste. Some of the action include the promotion of home and community composting, promotion of immaterial consumption, promotion of reusable nappies, pay-as-you-throw schemes, green procurement, promotion of second hand markets, etc.

ENT has been commissioned a number of this waste prevention plans, along with a number of practical projects to reduce waste generation at the local level: Sitges, Lleida, Reus, Castelldefels, El Prat de Llobregat, Cornella de Llobregat, Pallejà, Sant Just Desvern, Hospitalet de l’Infant or Vandellos.