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Ignasi Puig Ventosa, member of ENT, coordinated as a part of a technical committee, the drafting of the Handbook of door to door separate waste collection in Catalonia.

This book intended to present the in-depth characteristics and results of this waste collection system, with the aim of encouraging its adoption by municipalities.

Practical aspects to be considered in implementing this model were detailed in the handbook, such as materials required, communicative aspects, charging possibilities, monitoring requirements, etc. The results that can be achieved in environmental and economic terms were also presented.

The manual was published by the “Associació de Municipis Catalans per a la Recollida Selectiva Porta a Porta” (Catalan association of municipalities for door to door separate waste collection) and funded by the Waste Agency of Catalonia (ARC) and the Barcelona Provincial Council.


ENT environment & management




Associació de municipis catalans per a la Recollida selectiva Porta a Porta