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Karin Meisterl (Fundación ENT) será una de las ponentes de la próxima World Conference on Recycling and Waste Management. La WCRWM tendrá lugar del 15 al 16 de mayo de 2023 en París, Francia. La conferencia tiene como objetivo reunir a académicos de todo el mundo para presentar los últimos resultados de investigación y avances en campos relevantes y ofrece un entorno ideal para realizar nuevas colaboraciones científicas. Karin presentará el «BIOCIRCULARCITIES project: Regulatory gap and opportunity analysis for circular bioeconomy».

La conferencia tiene como objetivo promover la investigación y crear una atmósfera de cooperación internacional entre los investigadores del medio ambiente, los expertos en reciclaje y los investigadores en gestión de residuos reuniendo a investigadores de primer nivel, comunidades internacionales y responsables industriales para discutir los últimos desarrollos e innovaciones en los campos del reciclaje y gestión de residuos.


Abstract de la presentación de Karin:

At European level, priority is given to the implementation of biorefineries that – following the “cascading use of biomass principle” – process secondary raw materials (waste, residues, and by-products) into a range of marketable bio-based products, including biochemicals, bioplastics and other biomaterials, food and feed, compost, and bioenergy. This principle also applies to the selected streams of the BIOCIRCULARCITIES (BCC) project, i.e., forestry residues, organic waste from the agro-industrial sector and municipal biowaste for the pilot territories of Pazardzhik Province (BG), the Metropolitan City of Naples (IT) and the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona (ES), respectively. More sustainable management of organic wastes and residues requires binding and specific legal measures at EU and national level to improve the quantity and quality of feedstocks for bio-based products and to ensure their successful market introduction. To better understand the current opportunities and gaps for the circular bioeconomy in the policy framework, 23 documents at EU level and 49 at national, regional, and local level for the three pilot territories were examined. Key passages of legislation were selected and analyzed in depth to identify relevant legal/administrative, technical, economic, environmental, and social drivers and barriers that favor or hinder the transition to a more biocircular system for organic waste and residue management. In addition, local stakeholders and international experts contributed their knowledge and experience to check the feasibility of the alternative scenarios proposed for the selected value chains through participatory processes. All results will be used to provide policy recommendations for the pilot territories.


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